My personal witness, as the multiple keyboard player/back-ground singer and one of the Creatures of the Street, in the band JOBRIATH, during our ten month journey, starting with my audition, then the band's rehearsal for the Midnight Special and subsequent national tour, all against the homophobic backlash which Bruce Wayne Campbell, a.k.a. Jobriath’s own self-outing made him a "dead man walking."
We played on.
Even the gay community resented him being paraded as their “'poster child,' demonstrating attributes they loathed in themselves."
Though the rest of the band was straight, so extreme was this hostility, we were specifically not booked in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Detroit, for fear of us being physically harmed. Even in New York, we were booed off the stage at the Nassau Coliseum for being “fagots.” Jerry Brandt, was Jobriath’s larger-than-life manager.
Like Colonel Parker to Elvis, Jerry created a huge hype machine that took America and Britain by storm: “Elvis, The Beatles, Jobriath!” With only fifty thousand dollars and a single album record deal, Jerry created a half-a-million-dollar media blitz and a mountain of jealousy that would subsequently be impossible to overcome.